Affliated to

CBSE, New Delhi

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Principal's Message

Queen Mary

Principal's Message

Loving teachers, parents and children,
Warm welcome to the website of Queen Mary Public School. It will help you to familiarize yourself with the activities of the school and recognize the growth of each year. 

“For her profit is better than the profit of silver and her gain better than fine gold.”
( Proverbs 3:14)

A good education is the greatest wealth that parents can give their children. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge but it is also a beautiful act that shapes one’s life completely. Congratulating you for choosing Queen Mary Public School for your children’s education, aiming at the holistic development of your child. I remember with gratitude all the dedicated staff who take personal care of the children entrusted to them and bring them up holistically. May this school stand proudly as a beacon on the mountain to dispel the ignorance of many.

Sr. Ancin SD