Affliated to

CBSE, New Delhi

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Our Philosophy

Queen Mary

Our Philosophy

  • Friendliness- being kind and caring to others
    •  I share
    • I am positive
    • I am happy, not grumpy
  • Respect- polite and thoughtful in dealing with others
    • I treat others the way I would like to be treated
    • I listen when others are speaking
    • I use good manners
  • Integrity- consistent in words and actions
    • I do what I say I will do
    • I am honest and trustworthy
    • I take responsibility for my actions
  • Everyone Co-operates- getting along with others
    • I do my share of the work
    • I share resources, ideas and experience
    • I can take turns
  • Never-Give-Up-Attitude- persistence
    • I finish what I start
    • I do my best
    • I am willing to try new things
  • Diversity- accepting differences
    • I give everyone a fair go
    • I value and celebrate differences
    • I stand up for what is right
  • Support- helping others
    • I praise others
    • I care for others